Priya Malani
Founder & CEO, Stash Wealth

Hey there—
Let me tell you a bit about why I started Stash Wealth; for me, this work is deeply personal.
Growing up, I watched my parents fight about money. Constantly.
By most standards, our family was financially comfortable when I was growing up. But my strongest memories of money aren’t about comfort—they’re about stress.
My dad was an accomplished physician—well-educated, with a solid six-figure income—successful by all measures.
But despite that, money was always a huge source of stress.
I can clearly seeing him at the kitchen table, writing check after check with this sense of tension that always hung in the air.
Despite his success, money felt like a dark cloud over our family—bringing constant anxiety and strain.
That experience left a mark.
I couldn't help but think, why is money so hard—even when there's enough of it?
As I grew up, I wanted to feel secure, in control, and free from that endless stress around money. So after college I went into finance—leaving my career as a professional ballerina behind.
At first, it felt like a practical choice. But I later realized it was about building a life where I’d never feel that sense of scarcity again.
While working at Merrill Lynch with high-net-worth clients, something surprising happened—my most accomplished friends kept coming to me for financial advice. They were doctors, lawyers, teachers, consultants—successful in every way—but when it came to money, they felt lost and out of control. They reminded me of my dad, and of that feeling I grew up with.
And I realized something huge: no one teaches us how to manage money. Despite all their success, my friends felt just as lost.
That’s why I started Stash Wealth—to help people who’ve achieved so much in life finally feel secure and confident with their money. I know what it’s like to work hard, earn well, and still feel like you’re winging it with your finances. That feeling is stressful, and it shouldn’t be the reality for high-achievers who deserve to live fully.
For 30-somethings, the stakes are even higher. This is the decade where so many major life decisions happen—career moves, buying a home, starting a family, planning for the future, and trying to enjoy life along the way. And too often, no one is there to guide you through it all.
At Stash Wealth, we do more than maximize your investments. We’re here to help you enjoy the money you work so damn hard for—now and in the future. I want our clients to experience money as a source of freedom and confidence, not stress and fear.
And even more, I want them to set an example for the next generation, showing them that managing money doesn’t have to be tense, complicated, or overwhelming. Money can be a source of empowerment and joy. A freeing tool that allows you to pursue a life filled with what truly matters.
That’s the mission of Stash Wealth. To help high-achieving 30-somethings feel in control, confident, and ready to live their best life—now, in the future, and as an example for generations to come.
Thank you for letting me share this with you. If Stash Wealth can help bring clarity and purpose to your financial life, it would mean the world to me to be a part of that journey.
Priya Malani
Founder & CEO, Stash Wealth
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